Communique of National Summit on Agroecology and Climate Justice - "Climate Financing for Agroecology and Renewable Energy."
As part of the Strategic Partnership Agreement Project”
Whereas Liberia is faced with daunting food and nutrition insecurity caused by low public investments in agriculture, climate financing, late budget releases. Climate change impacts manifesting in form of floods across the country that has ravaged farmlands and livelihoods and our high post-harvest losses. Whereas, climate shocks continue to affect rural communities and have resulted to loss of livelihood and survival. Hence, as many as possible of these types of projects on Agroecology and Climate Justice are needed to help Communities to produce nutritious food sustainably In Liberia.
Whereas research shows that even though developing countries like Liberia and other African countries use only 25% of chemical pesticides produced worldwide, we experience 99% of pesticide negative impacts. Research shows the World Health Organization estimates that 385 million farmers fell victim to unintentional acute pesticides poisoning in 2019, most of them in Asia and Africa. Whereas symptoms like difficulty in breathing, dizziness, headaches, nausea, vomiting, eye problems, skin rashes, cataract, diarrhea, and respiratory problems were reported among the most common health effects and damage to the soil and other impacts onfood consumed by Liberia people.